Thursday, December 9, 2010

a common experience will be released the week of dec 20th!

All images, writing, and layout are complete. Currently the final draft is in the hands of the proof reader. She will complete proofing and return the book with any changes this Sunday the 12th. I will then make the final copy changes and submit the draft to Blurb to have them print me a proof copy.

I need to have Blurb print out a hard copy proof so that I can see the actual output from their printers to make sure that everything is as it should be regarding color, layout, etc. I will make final adjustments and changes (if needed) from this proof copy. a common experience will, after long last, be available to the public after the proof validation is complete! Availability will be sometime during the week of Dec 20th. Just in time for the Holidays!

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